Want Radiant Skin? Discover Postbiotics: The Skin-Glowifiers You’ve Never Heard of…
Our microbiome, probiotics and prebiotics…
By now we definitely know that our entire health, body and mind are ruled by millions of little bugs in our intestines - the all important gut microbiome. With the discovery of the crucial role of the microbiome, probiotics have become one of the hottest topics in health. Probiotics are “good bacteria” found in abundance in fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, natto and yogurt. The theory is that by eating probiotics and by ways of the gut-brain connection, we can help our health in all kinds of ways like sharpen our brains, calm our moods, drop unwanted weight and clear our skin.
We also discovered prebiotics, which is simply said food for our microbiome: Fiber that our bodies are not able to digest, but that our little microbiome friends like to feast on to thrive and in turn keep us healthy.
… so what the heck are postbiotics?!
According to the International Journal of Molecular Science, “postbiotics are functional bioactive compounds, generated (…) during fermentation, which may be used to promote health.”(1) Turns out, the friendly bugs in our gut feast and then… well…they poop, fart or belch - often for the tremendous benefit of our health! There can also be “harmful” postbiotics, which is why balance is such an important thing when it comes to gut health. That all may sound crazy, but the bugs in our gut are, after all, living organisms, so why wouldn’t they produce uhh…metabolic waste, just like we do?
Examples of postbiotics include butyric acid, lactic acid, certain peptides and enzymes, but also by-products like vitamins, amino acids and minerals, all of which are important for our bodies to function, from fighting disease, balancing blood sugar and controlling inflammation.
"Miracle Tea", a.k.a. Kombucha as an Example
Kombucha is a good examples of the miracle of post-biotics. While this 2000-year old health drinks (a.k.a. “miracle tea” in Indonesia) is known for bringing probiotics to your gut, the list of beneficial postbiotics is impressive: Various organic acids, such as acetic, gluconic, glucuronic, citric, L-lactic, malic, tartaric, malonic, oxalic, succinic, pyruvic, a whole list of Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and C; 14 amino acids and essential minerals like copper, iron, manganese and zinc. (2)
Same goes for Sauerkraut, Kimchi and my favorite fermented food, natto (fermented soy beans with the pungent aroma).
Why this matters for glowing skin, inside & out
Pro-, pre- and now postbiotics are all part of promoting a healthy gut which in turn is key to total health, and also key to healthy, radiant skin.
The genius about many postbiotics is that they have a beauty-boosting effect when applied directly to your skin because they are packed with skin-loving nutrients. In skincare treatments, Kombucha’s rich content of organic acids such as lactic and malic acid, for example, have an immediate smoothing, radiance-boosting effect by improving skin cell turnover (a.k.a. exfoliating). Vitamin B12 has been shown to soothe sensitive skin (3), and amino acids are considered essential skin-building blocks. Natto is rich in Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (PGA), the result of fermentation, which helps balance blood sugar when eaten, and hydrates skin when applied topically. The list of postbiotics that boost our skin health inside and out goes on and on…
So next time you slurp a probiotic rich Kombucha or savor some prebiotic packed vegetables, remember to also thank the miracle “waste” products of your microbiota for promoting your health, well-being and glowing skin.
Check out our products that feature Kombucha for your skin: Miracle Tea Complete Eye Creme, Sweet Black Tea & Rice Facial Moisturizer, Sweet Black Tea & Ginger Oil-Free Moisturizer, Miracle Tea Recovery Creme.
(1) “Postbiotics and Their Potential Applications in Early Life Nutrition and Beyond,” International Journal of Molecular Science, 2019 September 20;
(2) “A Review on Kombucha Tea—Microbiology, Composition, Fermentation, Beneficial Effects, Toxicity, and Tea Fungus,” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2014 June 21;
(3) “Evaluation of topical vitamin B(12) for the treatment of childhood eczema,“ The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2009 April 15;