How To Use Body Lotion

When you greet yourself in the mirror each morning and go through your regular moisturizing routine, the focus may be on your face, but did you know you also have a body covered with skin? It’s true! Skin is the largest organ of the human body (fun fact: adults on average have about 8 pounds and 22 square feet of it), but too often we neglect it from the neck down. So look down, look around, and you’ll see there’s a whole lot more of you to love, protect, and cherish. Though that sounds a little like wedding vows, those words convey how you and your skin are in a life-long relationship for better or worse. So why not aim for better, and give your skin what it needs to be nourished?
Body lotion. It sounds simple enough, but a lot of people don't know where to start when it comes to body lotion. There are several common skincare questions, like what exactly does skin need? How often should I moisturize? or what is the right combination of creams, body lotions, and oils? While there's no single right answer, and certain skin types may require more attention, the skin on your body benefits from the added moisture that comes with regular use of body lotion. Below you'll find some helpful body care tips to enhance or add to your current skincare practice.
As always, take what you will and incorporate what you can. Be kind to yourself if you forget a step or skip a day. Do your best to take care of you, and we will always be here to help.
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Before body lotion...stop, drop, and slough
Before we extol more virtues of moisturizer, let's take a moment to discuss exfoliation. Our skin goes through its own little life cycle in which skin cells die, slough off, and are replaced by newer and younger cells. As we age, this skin renewal pattern slows down a bit.
Dead cells that sit on the surface of our body too long can cause skin to look dull. While you never want to scrub your skin like it has done you wrong, there are times when the body can use a little boost. You can help your skin ditch the dead weight, and gently move the skin renewal process along.
A lot of us might reach for a loofah or some other skin scrubber to take off that top layer of dirt and debris, but be wary of the washcloth and get the lowdown on the loofah before bacteria gets the best of you. Dead skin cells and dirt can collect in the crevices of those beauty tools, and they are usually left in a damp environment, like the bath or shower. Unfortunately, that stuff becomes free food for bacteria to feast upon, and you might accidentally reintroduce it to your skin the next time you take a bath. If you do plan to use a loofah or washcloth, make sure you sanitize it properly before you use it on your skin. The advice that skin health experts generally put forth is to utilize a washcloth just once, and then toss it in the washer.
If you don't want your bodily debris engendering a new colony of bacteria before your next bath, but you'd still like to slough off some of that dead skin, there is another way. You can soothe dry feet, legs, and other limbs if you first use a natural, moisturizing scrub like JUARA's Candlenut Body Polish before you apply any lotion. For those who haven't already tried this divine dual action scrub, you can stop your search and say a little thank you to the universe for this gem.
The Candlenut Body Polish consists of candlenut, avocado, rice bran oil, and other nourishing ingredients that combine to create an exfoliating and moisturizing miracle scrub that is suitable for all skin types. Unlike other exfoliating products, this one even works as a spot treatment on the go. It's especially great for those thick-skin body regions like the elbows or knees. Because the unique formula contains no soap or surfactants, it won't leave you with a sticky residue. You can smooth it on and then wipe your skin with a cloth to brush off the grains.
Of course, you can also take your sweet time in the shower and apply it all over your body in a circular motion until the cream is absorbed into your skin. Then rinse off and pat dry as you normally would. Any which way you do it, your skin will feel soft and supple and primed to receive even more moisture.
Using a body scrub in combination with body lotion is one more way to gently encourage and support our skin's natural cycles. If you apply a body polish such as this before you apply body lotion, you're likely to feel dry skin soak in the moisture even more. As mentioned above, it's a healthy option for any skin type, but a doubly good deal for dry skin. It can improve skin tone and texture if incorporated into your regular body care rituals.
Understand the benefits of body lotions
Understanding what's essential for healthy skin can help motivate you to apply body lotions, creams, and oils accordingly. So let's do a quick science review, but without all the note-taking or any of those pesky pop quizzes. In fact, if you want to skip over this section and get to the part where you're picturing yourself on a tropical island soaking in the sweet aromas and beautiful surroundings, no one will even know. For those of you who do want to lean in to the science behind our skin and the benefits of body lotion, read on.
The epidermis is the outermost layer of our skin, and even within that, there are additional layers, each with a purpose. The stratum corneum rests on top, and is made up of cells called corneocytes and lipids. Together they are like the brick and mortar that forms a barrier protecting our skin. This stratum corneum can absorb water, which helps regulate the shedding of corneocytes. In other words, our skin could use a drink. And some lotion.
It’s critical to introduce water into and onto our bodies. Making sure the lotions you use contain healthy, hydrating ingredients is part of that process. You might already be familiar with some of the names of those ingredients, but how do they do the little things they do? Well, they probably fit into one of the three main categories of moisturizers: emollients, humectants, and occlusives. And just like that you're already a little wiser when it comes to what's in your lotion. Now let's delve a little deeper into those definitions.
In a body lotion, emollients (such as coconut oil) work to soften the skin. Lotions with emollients decrease flaking and drying of the skin by filling the spaces between skin cells with those aforementioned lipids, which are fatty substances. Emollients are key to addressing dry skin.
Humectants are ingredients that attract water to the skin and keep skin hydrated. This slows down the normal rate of evaporation. Glycerin and aloe vera are both examples of humectants that you might find in a lotion or other skin product. Humectants draw moisture from the lower layers of skin as well as the surrounding environment. That's why combining humectants with other moisturizing elements in body lotions will help you get the best results. Once you have the moisture on your skin, you want to keep it there.
Occlusives manage to keep skin moisturized by coating the skin and reducing transepidermal water loss (also known in skin health circles as TEWL). Beeswax is an occlusive that seals in moisture in a way similar to white petrolatum or petroleum jelly (also known as Vaseline). Lathering on body lotion with occlusives can keep the water where it needs to be.
Bonus: Ritual Skincare
Use body lotion as self-care: take the time to moisturize
Whether you're exhausted from attending monotonous meetings or doing repetitive tasks that make your brain ache, remembering to apply body lotion at the end of the day might not always make your To Dos. Part of the problem may be viewing skin care as just another item to check off your list. Using body lotion doesn't need to be a chore. If you're feeling uninspired, maybe it's the body lotion you're using that's letting you down. Use body lotion like the gift it can be.
The benefits of body lotion extend beyond balancing out extra dry or oily skin. Staying healthy isn't just about banishing dry skin from your body or getting rid of rough heels. Soft, supple skin is one good sign of overall health, but it's not the whole picture.
You can use body lotion as part of a comprehensive approach to skin care that incorporates intention and wellness. As we've discussed in previous posts, there can be a difference between the body care experience when approaching it as a ritual versus a rote task or routine.
Our inspiration at JUARA comes from Jamu, a joy-based beauty tradition that originated as an Indonesian herbal practice centuries ago. We're bringing beauty back, but putting wellness and skin health front and center.
A little extra lotion around the rough edges
Using a body lotion all over is ideal, but sometimes those rough patches around the knees and elbows require a little extra lotion love. Show all your skin you care, and consider some of these tips below to soften up.
Since it's best to apply lotion right after your shower when your face and body are nice and clean, make sure you place body lotion near the bath. Having a setup that makes it simple and satisfying to put on body lotion makes it more likely that you will do so right after you towel off damp skin and hair. On a related note, you might also wish to bring a pair of clean, comfy socks to cover your feet.
If you're looking to indulge in a delicious, vitamin-rich treat for your skin, try our best-selling body lotion, Candlenut Body Creme. This lotion is infused with Illipe butter, rice bran oil, avocado oil, Vitamin E, and omega 9-rich oils and minerals. As promised, there won't be any pop quizzes, so I'll simply share some additional science behind this seemingly magical moisturizer and say that as a powerful anti-oxidant, Vitamin E is an essential ingredient that fights free radical oxidation - the kind that damages skin cells. Additionally, the avocado oil can act as both an emollient and an occlusive, so when you use this lotion, you're showing you care about your skin's hydration.
Massage this creamy body lotion onto your elbows and arms, across your legs and feet, and over every inch of you as the warm, tropical scent takes you away from your worries, and brings you back to yourself. Your skin will soak up all the goodness as you lather on this buttery lotion. You'll notice how dry and damaged skin feels soft and appears smoother upon contact, and since the Candlenut Body Creme also strengthens skin, the effect will be sustained as you repeat this relaxing ritual over time.
Unlike many other body lotions, this amazing moisturizer doesn't leave you feeling greasy or sticky. For sensitive skin, body lotion like this is a blessing.
Use body lotions to bring it all together
You can use body lotion as a springboard to dive into better overall body care. Using a body lotion is one piece of the puzzle, but if you want the full picture, there's much more to include - and that's not even exploring all the options for face and hair at the moment. Think of body lotion as a good kind of gateway product. It's not bad to be hooked on health and wellness, right?
It's important to remember that Jamu means reveling in the joy that all the senses can bring. When you think about how to use body lotion, remember that it's not just "apply lotion and massage into skin," but being intentional about enjoying the smell, the texture, and maybe even making yourself a hot tea and listening to music that relaxes you.
We've already mentioned two of the products that are in the JUARA Body Ritual 5-piece set, so let's see what else love of lotion can lead to. You can begin with the Candlenut Hydrating Shower Gel, which is a refreshing sulfate-free cleanser with our signature scent. The next steps would include the Candlenut Body Polish and the Candlenut Body Creme, as explained above. Then the Kartini Body Oil adds an exhilarating glow to the skin, and can even be applied to the ends of your hair for extra shine. The fifth element, as it were, is the Coconut Illipe Hand & Nail Balm. Smooth this rich and healing formula onto hands and feel what no other lotion has likely made you feel before.
The skin you’re in is with you for life, so applying body lotion - along with a little love and attention - will keep your body beautiful. Whether your skin type is normal, oily, or dry, caring properly for your skin every day means using a body lotion or oil to replenish some of the natural loss of moisture.
Finding quality skincare brands that contain nourishing ingredients in their formulas is essential for your all-over body beauty. And if you think about beauty emanating from both the inside and out, then you're already doing something right!
Keep Reading: Jamu Recipe
Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with western skincare science creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich, and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on Facebook.